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Cat Bowl

$1.90 USD $4.00 USD Save $2.10 USD
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About this item
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  • 2 bowls placed at an incline
  • Prevents gastric refluxes in your cats while eating
  • Non-slip, non-displacing bowls
  • Great for quick-eating cats
  • Available in transparent, white and black bowls

    Item description from the seller
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    Diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite – if these are some of the problems with your cat, it’s time you take them seriously and ruminate on it. But wait, no need to put pressure on your mind when we have just the right product for you – the orthopedic cat bowl.

    Prevent your felines from getting stomach aches by giving them food to eat at just the right angle. This anti-vomiting cat bowl ensures that 2 bowls are precisely placed at an incline so that the head of the cat is not bent while eating food from it which prevents vomiting and stomach upsets.

    What you will get:

    • 2 Bowls at the right angle: 2 clear plastic bowls are placed at the correct angle (15 degrees) to keep the cat’s head straight while feeding which ensures efficient digestion.
    • Non-slip nature: The bowls are secured in the curves by turning them anti-clockwise. No displacement or slippage occurs. Easy to remove and install.
    • No risk of breaking: The bowls are made of plastic so they can sustain falls and pet mischief.
    • Prevents vomiting: The angular placement of the anti-vomiting cat bowl ensures that there are no gastric refluxes during feeding which means no stomach aches and vomiting.
    • Great food bowl for quick eaters: You need it essentially if your cat is a quick eater. They are most likely to develop gastric reflux.
    • Easy to clean: There are no edges on the interior of the bowls which can trap food particles, neither is the surface rough. Cleaning them is a breeze.

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Cat Bowl Cat Bowl Cat Bowl Cat Bowl Cat Bowl Cat Bowl

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